PhD Students and members of the ERC Artivist Team, Federica Moretti and Sara Wiederkehr, together with PhD Student and ERC Artivist affiliated, Serjara Aleman organised the workshop “Migration, [...]
Presentation at the Colloquium ISSR: « Restitution et collaboration en anthropologie audio-visuelle et graphique » by Prof. Monika Salzbrunn and Dr. Raphaela von Weichs
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On December 8, 2020 Prof. Monika Salzbrunn and Dr. Raphaela von Weichs participated at the Research Colloquium of the Institute of Social Sciences of Religions (ISSR) at the Université de [...]
Presentation at the Colloquium ISSR: “Art and Politics: Social imaginaries in the Streets in times of Covid-19” by Sara Wiederkehr
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December 1, 2020 PhD student and member of the ERC Artivism team, Sara Wiederkehr presented her research “Art and Politics: Social imaginaries in the Streets: An anthropological approach to [...]
As part of Prof. Monika Salzbrunn’s Master Seminar « Migration dans l’art, art dans la migration et artistes migrant.e.s », Dr. Hannah Wadle presented the interactive Workshop “Museum of [...]
Tra rito e mito: il Carnevale nella cultura europea / Du rite au mythe: le Carnaval dans la culture européenne
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Prof. Monika Salzbrunn and PhD Student Federica Moretti from the ERC-ARTIVISM team participated in the International Colloque “Tra Rito e Mito: il Carnevalle nella cultura europea”, [...]