The ERC Artivism team is participating at the third International Conference “CombArt: Arts, Activism and Citizenship“ at the University of Porto. Prof. Monika Salzbrunn is presenting the [...]
The final conference of the ERC ARTIVISM. Art and Activism. Creativity and Performance as Subversive Forms of Political Expression in Super-Diverse Cities project will be held from April [...]
L’activisme artistique et la mondialisation de la scène de l’art (théorie, pratique, paradigme et circulations)
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Raphaela von Weichs and Monika Salzbrunn contribute to a colloque international on « L’activisme en arts » organized at the Université de Bordeaux Montaigne. They present their paper: [...]
The ERC-ARTIVISM team contributes to the annual meeting of the Swiss Anthropologial Association with a paper and a table ronde ( Thursday [...]
The ERC Artivism Team is writing a comic book as part of the research project “Art and Activism. Creativity and Performance as Subversive Forms of Political Expression in Super-Divers [...]