Sara Wiederkehr

Sara Wiederkehr is an Anthropologist graduated from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She holds a joint MA in Contemporary History from the Universidad de Zaragoza and the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, and a MA in Media and Visual Anthropology from the Freie Universität Berlin.
Her research interest focuses on the construction of social memories, the relation between humans and their lived and built environments and the use and role of visual images in war and social conflicts. She is also interested in exploring visual narratives by combining ethnographic theories and methodologies with visual anthropology.
Sara’s previous research projects are linked to the Colombian conflict, and to the tensions between artisanal fishing, local living, and the global market in Colombia and Costa Rica. Her visual work has been presented in Berlin, Vienna, Bogotá, and Cali.
Currently, she is doing her PhD research as part of the ERC Artivism project: “Art and Activism. Creativity and Performance as Subversive Form of Political Expression in Super- Diverse Cities”, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Monika Salzbrunn, at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. She focuses on the relation between Street Art, the urban space, and social imaginaries.
International Conferences, Participations & Courses
2022. Collective paper. “Utopias in discourses and artivistic practices. Insights from Genoa, Yaoundé and Los Angeles”. III International Conference CombArt- Art, Artivism and Citizenship. The University of Porto. May 30-31. (P)
2021. CUSO Anthropology: “Migration, Representation, Reflexivity – II”. Organization of the PhD workshop. November 25-26. (CH)
2021. Collective paper. “Creative Methodologies and Power Relations: Co-Creation and Restitution in Contexts of Artivism”. ERC-ARTIVISM team. SSE annual meeting “Re-viewing the field: Contemporary debates and approaches to fieldwork” (online). (CH)
2021. Paper “On Ethics and Digital Ethnography”. Roundtable “Vulnerability in and on the field”, organized by Dr. Monika Salzbrunn and Dr. Raphaela Von Weichs (ERC Artivism). SSE annual meeting, “Re-viewing the field: Contemporary debates and approaches to fieldwork” (online). (CH)
2021. Workshop. “Ethnographic Madeleines, a workshop on sensorial methods for ethnographic inquiries”. ERC-ARTIVISM team Workshop. ESA-Arts 11th Midterm conference (online), Helsinki. “The social effects of art”. (FIN)
2021. Collective paper. “Whose aesthetics in which décor? Performative art and muralism as activist art against gentrification. Insights from Cameroon, California and Mediterranean cities” Collective paper ERC-ARTIVISM team ESA-Arts 11th Midterm conference (online). (FIN)
2020. “Art and Politics: Social imaginaries in the streets in times of Covid- 19. An anthropological approach to mural art in Los Angeles”. ISSR, Colloque de Recherche, UNIL. (CH)
2020. CUSO Anthropology: “Migration, Representation, Reflexivity”, PhD workshop co-organized with Federica Moretti and Serjara Aleman. (CH)
2020. “From Street Art to Internet –Thoughts on Digital Ethnography”. DGSKA Workshop: “Fieldwork meets crisis”. October, 2020. (D)
2019. Collective paper. “Carnival is a collective oeuvre, a political performance’. Exploring artivist forms of political expression through a multisensorial event-based ethnography in European Mediterranean cities”. CombArt. International Conference in Arts, Activism and Citizenship. University of Porto, Portugal. June 12, 2019. (P)
2017. Paper “Historia de los humedales: una cartografía ontológica”. Congreso Latinoaméricano de Antropología. Universidad Pedagógica de Colombia. June 6, 2017. (COL)
“We keep on dancing” Short Documentary.
Ethnocineca International Documentary Film Festival Vienna.
23 – 29 May, 2019. Vienna, Austria.
“Wetland stories: an ontological cartography” Audio-visual Installation.
German Anthropological Association Conference: Mediating senses of belonging. An
exhibition of practice-based projects in visual and media anthropology.
4 – 7 October, 2017. Berlin, Germany
“Wetland Stories”. Audio-visual Installation. Joint graduate exhibition “Spaces of perception”.
Media and Visual Anthropology, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin.
21 – 23 October, 2016. Berlin, Germany.
“Starring/Fijamente”. Short film.
Solilente & Casa Aislada
October 2015, Cali, Colombia.
“Proyecto Mangle – Creating memories of the Colombian conflict”. Audio-visual Installation
10 –16 May, 2015. Art Gallery Ori Balboa. Berlin, Germany.
7 November, 2014. Art exhibition “Feeling about war”. Goldsmiths University. London, UK.
19 – 20 July, 2014. Rundgang MA Sound Studies. Universität der Künste Berlin. Berlin, Germany.
“Retratos del Bajo Sinú”. Photography. Joint exhibition “Retractus. Memorias Etno-Gráficas en Colombia”.
Obtura, Grupo de Estudios en Antropología Audiovisual. Universidad Nacional de Colombia
28 – 30 April, 2015. Cátedra Kapuściński. Universidad Central. Bogotá, Colombia
November, 2014. Claustro San Agustín. Bogotá, Colombia