La doctorante Federica Moretti a participé à la journée des doctorant.e.s organisée par l’URMIS Paris-site Diderot, a laquelle elle a contribué avec une communication basée sur son travail [...]
The ERC-ARTIVISM team contributes to the annual meeting of the Swiss Anthropologial Association with a paper and a table ronde ( Thursday [...]
The ERC Artivism Team is participating at the The ESA Research Network Sociology of the Arts Conference in Helsinki. The Conference is organised by the University of the Arts (Uniarts) Helsinki, [...]
Laboratorio of Sociologia Visuale (Genova) and Observatori de la Vida Quotidiana (Barcelona) are organising the event Art, Visuality and Social Research. Tales from the field, next Thursday 11 [...]
Presentation at the Colloquium ISSR: « Restitution et collaboration en anthropologie audio-visuelle et graphique » by Prof. Monika Salzbrunn and Dr. Raphaela von Weichs
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On December 8, 2020 Prof. Monika Salzbrunn and Dr. Raphaela von Weichs participated at the Research Colloquium of the Institute of Social Sciences of Religions (ISSR) at the Université de [...]