La doctorante Federica Moretti a participé à la journée des doctorant.e.s organisée par l’URMIS Paris-site Diderot, a laquelle elle a contribué avec une communication basée sur son travail [...]
The ERC-ARTIVISM team contributes to the annual meeting of the Swiss Anthropologial Association with a paper and a table ronde ( Thursday [...]
The ERC Artivism Team is participating at the The ESA Research Network Sociology of the Arts Conference in Helsinki. The Conference is organised by the University of the Arts (Uniarts) Helsinki, [...]
Tra rito e mito: il Carnevale nella cultura europea / Du rite au mythe: le Carnaval dans la culture européenne
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Prof. Monika Salzbrunn and PhD Student Federica Moretti from the ERC-ARTIVISM team participated in the International Colloque “Tra Rito e Mito: il Carnevalle nella cultura europea”, [...]
In Winter 2020, the ERC-ARTIVISM research and film team returned to Viareggio to participate in the two last corsi of the carnival, attend the proclamation of the victories and follow the most [...]