Prof. Monika Salzbrunn at the Conference “Expériences biographiques dans le Lötschental et en Europe”

Prof. Monika Salzbrunn, PI from the project ERC Artivism, will participate at the Conference “Expériences biographiques dans le Lötschental et en Europe” next Thursday, 10th February. 

The Médiathèque Valais – Martigny is organizing this Conference within the framework of the exhibition L’Appel du Lötschental, and it will focus on the history and the diversity of the representations projected on this valley and the way of life of its inhabitants.

Prof. Monika Salzbrunn will reflect on the persistence and universality of certain secular parades and their relationship to religion. Her presentation will focus on what echo do these sometimes folklorized traditions, at the heart of identity issues and subversive political expressions, find in the contemporary world?

In this same perspective, Thomas Antonietti will present and analyze the ethnographic work of Hedwig Anneler and its reception (at the beginning of the 20th century and today).

Suzanne Chappaz-Wirthner will present and situate, based on her discovery of Anneler’s work during her first fieldwork in the valley, the views of the Lötschental masks in the past and today.

The Conference will occur on Thursday 10th February 2022 at 18:00, at the Av. de la Gare 15, 1920 Martigny.

For more information, please visit the Médiathèque site.

COVID Pass requested.

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