From 29th June to 1st July 2022, the ICGNCC or International Conference of Graphic Novels and Comics took place in Dûn Laoghaire, the harbour of Dublin, as a hybrid event. The conference was [...]
Expérimenter en sciences humaines. Problèmes, méthodes, apports. Journée d’étude organisée par la Formation doctorale interdisciplinaire, Université de Lausanne.
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« Cette journée d’étude interdisciplinaire propose de mettre à l’épreuve la question de l’expérimentation dans les sciences humaines afin de tenter de comprendre comment le travail intellectuel [...]
Prof. Monika Salzbrunn participates in the project « Portraits de femmes de sciences ». This project is part of the scientific communication programme of the University of Lausanne, and it aims [...]
The ERC-ARTIVISM team contributes to the annual meeting of the Swiss Anthropologial Association with a paper and a table ronde ( Thursday [...]
On behalf of the European Research Council (ERC), professor Monika Salzbrunn was nominated for AcademiaNet of Outstanding Women Academics.