Prof. Monika Salzbrunn, PI from the project ERC Artivism, will participate at the Conference “Expériences biographiques dans le Lötschental et en Europe” next Thursday, 10th [...]
The CUSO Anthropology workshop “Migration, Representation, and Reflexivity – II”, organized by Sara Wiederkehr, Federica Moretti, and Serjara Aleman, had the participation of [...]
Conference of Susan Ossman at the Colloque de Recherche de ISSR Susan Ossman is an anthropologist, artist, and director of “The Moving Matters Traveling Workshop.” She is Distinguished Professor [...]
« Cette journée d’étude interdisciplinaire propose de mettre à l’épreuve la question de l’expérimentation dans les sciences humaines afin de tenter de comprendre comment le travail intellectuel [...]
Prof. Monika Salzbrunn participates in the project « Portraits de femmes de sciences ». This project is part of the scientific communication programme of the University of Lausanne, and it aims [...]
Raphaela von Weichs and Monika Salzbrunn contribute to a colloque international on « L’activisme en arts » organized at the Université de Bordeaux Montaigne. They present their paper: [...]
La doctorante Federica Moretti a participé à la journée des doctorant.e.s organisée par l’URMIS Paris-site Diderot, a laquelle elle a contribué avec une communication basée sur son travail [...]
The ERC-ARTIVISM team contributes to the annual meeting of the Swiss Anthropologial Association with a paper and a table ronde ( Thursday [...]
UPDATE! The Special Issue of the Journal Connessioni Remote dedicated to Artivism will be launched on March 26th at 17:00 in lifestreaming. You can follow the presentation on their youtube [...]
On behalf of the European Research Council (ERC), professor Monika Salzbrunn was nominated for AcademiaNet of Outstanding Women Academics.
Exploring new artistic forms of political expressions in multicultural cities, ARTIVISM investigates artistic resistance in times of crisis and/or in oppressive conditions. ARTIVISM seeks to understand how social actors engage artistically in order to bring about social, economic and political changes.